Tuesday, February 12, 2013

On board car battery desulfator

Back in my early post on "a thought about Bedini charger", I suggested an integrated on board battery charger/desulfator. Well, my idea is not new. Apparently, after I researched further, I found that such devices are available in the US, Malaysia and China market..
  1. Pulse Tech 12v On-Board Desulfator Power Pulse PP12L
  2. BatteryMINDer Model 12151
  3. Battery MINDer 12v On-Board Desulfator OBD-12
  4. Battery Life Saver Desulfator / Rejuvenator - BLS-12/24C
  5. Infinitum Battery desulfator (Malaysia)
  6. Ultipower (China, on board device may need for enquiry)


  1. I suggested an integrated on board battery charger/desulfator. Well, my idea is not new. Apparently, after I researched further battery life

  2. in what vehicle will the battery be used; a car, boat, light truck, garden tractor, classic car, etc? The vehicle will determine whether the device will need to charge a large battery or a small one and if it needs to handle only 12 Volts or will need to also handle 6 Volt applications. Common inexpensive car battery chargers for home use typically handle 12 Volts and in some cases will handle 6 Volts as well. If you don't have a need for 6 Volts (some classic cars and some tractor batteries), and don't think you ever will, then you can save money if you choose a 12 Volt charger. These days, some of the best home chargers are still relatively inexpensive and will handle both 6 and 12 Volt applications. car battery charger
