Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Profiling Battery Matrix for Cadex CA-12

"The leading health indicator of a battery is capacity, a value that is difficult to appraise. Many battery testers claim to measure capacity, but this is not possible with voltage and resistance alone, nor will a load test achieve this.

Critical progress has been made with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). EIS is not new. Size, high cost, long test times and required skills to interpret results have restricted their technology to lab environments. To facilitate capacity estimation, Cadex extended EIS and developed multi-model electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, or Spectro™. The heart of Spectro™ is a patented algorithm that performs 40 million transactions while scanning the battery with 20–2,000 Hz low amplitude signals.  the Spectro CA-12 providing capacity, CCA, and SoC in 15 second test.

Configuration is by matrix selection. A matrix is a multi-dimensional lookup table against which the measured readings are compared. Text recognition, fingerprint identification and visual imaging operate on a similar principle. The Spectro™ system uses three types of matrix types: The battery-specific matrix serves a designated battery model and provides capacity readings in the form of a number, the generic matrix accommodates a battery group and gives a pass/fail on a capacity threshold of 40%, and the application-defined matrix inspects performance characteristics of new batteries.

Battery matrices for capacity measurements are created by scanning 10 or more batteries of the same model but with different capacity levels. The SoC-matrix is made by reading batteries with different SoC  levels, and the performance-matrix is derived by taking a snapshot of a good, marginal and poor battery from the assembly line. Batteries are scanned with the CA-12 and the data is sent to Cadex by the Internet for matrix assembly." - Cadex

Cadex is the only device I have known of that can measure battery capacity in SECONDS! Typically this would have been done by performing long hours load test. However, Cadex Spectro CA-12 device today has not profiled all the major batteries in Malaysia. It is not able to tell the capacity based on battery-specific matric.

Cadex Spectro CA-12 GA is the new version that provide 40% capacity measurement without the need of battery matrix. 

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